Our Summer 2024 Update!

Good day everyone

I hope you are enjoying your summer.

At Plateful Café we are as busy as ever despite not having a permanent place yet.

We are exploring different opportunities to secure at least a commercial kitchen to continue to cook for events and make our products.

We are in consultation with Magdalen Hall in SE1 to cook for their events and the same with Stanstead Lodge in SE6.The first event at St Magdalen is on the 10th of August when we will be providing all the food for their Summer Fayre.

We have also started a new collaboration with Pistachio in the Fields cafe and are thrilled to sell our merchandise at their  Care for Calais fundraiser on August the 15th.They have also graciously agreed to display and sell our paintings in the café for one month.

We are also looking for new premises to share  with GRACE Refugee Aid and are exploring the use of kitchens in local schools after school hours.

We were thrilled to be at the Rising sun collective street party on the 13th of July and forge new collaboration.The street party was a huge success with our food selling out in 4 hours.We cant wait to go back and take part in a Latin Fiesta this summer which we are planning together for August.

We continue to cater for the events and this month we are delighted to cater for University of Central London on the 25th of July.

We are also starting to cater for wakes.The first wake is on the 10th of August to celebrate the life of Anne Hignett our long-term supporter and volunteer who passed away in July.Anne was an incredible lady who helped for years with cooking,driving, assisting the café and befriending.Anne recruited also other helpers and supporters and to this day they are still supporting our charity by mainly attending our dinners.

She truly cared for our beneficiaries and showed a great commitment to their long-term future.She strongly believed they should have the same opportunities as everyone else, rebuild their lives and  play a full part in the local society and economy.She was so incredibly happy when we opened the Café last September and visited regularly to have lunch or dinner, bringing family and friends.

She was always there and every week she gave at least 2 hours of her time helping with whatever needed doing.We are all missing her incredibly!She was very generous to the very end by also donating her car to Plateful to be driven by one of the refugees when we start a take away service.

We are so sad she is gone and may she rest in peace.We will ensure her legacy continues when we open a take away service.

We will persevere and continue in our efforts to find a permanent venue with your support and care.

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